stuck? Nothing's
more frustrating than wanting to make changes in your life but not knowing what
or how.
feel unable to move forward no matter what you do. Unable to see a way out. It's
that sense of being unclear or overwhelmed about the best direction for you to
take. You
know that something's not right because your Emotional Guidance System is giving
you puh-lenty of warnings. You may be feeling
stifled, depressed, angry, resentful, confused, or just plain gritchy. Maybe you
feel all of these and more. These feelings are blinking red warning lights that
it's time for you to get out of your quagmire and moving again in a new direction. If
you want to get your life unstuck, you've come to the right place. In
my life coaching practice, I specialize in helping my clients get their life unstuck
so they can move forward and create the great life they desire... and deserve.
a few success stories about my coaching clients* who felt stuck - like you're
feeling now - and wanted to get their life moving again. This time in a better
direction. A
successful editor and author, V. had become stuck and was experiencing a severe
drop in income. During
our first session we worked on her awareness of what was draining her energy and
how she could plug these energy leaks. After
just the one session she plugged the energy leaks, giving her so much energy and
drive she didn't need another session. She created and scheduled several classes
and workshops with local community colleges and acquired new clients because of
them. To
this day, years later, she is still teaching her classes and is now writing yet
another book. She's doing something she dreamed of for years - facilitating a
writer's salon. At 79 years of age, she now has the energy of a 30 year old.
When D. contacted
me for coaching he was working as a personal trainer at a gym and hated his job,
but didn't know how he could afford to quit. He is a Highly Sensitive Person and
had issues with loud noises and too many people and activity around him.
During our coaching he came to appreciate the benefits of being an HSP. He learned
to shift his perspective from being a victim to the issues of HSP. He began seeing
the traits of HSP as beneficial to him in his work as a massage therapist and
personal trainer. After
getting clear about exactly how much income he needed in order to quit his job
and how much he was already receiving in his off-hours private practice, he discovered
he could quit his job. He gave notice and now has a private practice that's so
successful he's in the sweet/regretful position of having to turn some clients
away. He also has raised his prices to double what he was charging.
B. was stuck in
a marriage that had died and in two jobs that were stifling her creative passion
for music. Although
she was very unhappy in her marriage she was afraid to leave it because of familial
influences and financial concerns. Through
our coaching sessions she discerned how much income she needed to move into the
apartment she wanted and to support herself. She then explored ways she could
create this income through private lessons and classes. She used her core life
values to determine what was most important to her in a relationship and what
was missing from hers. She then created personal boundary language to inform her
husband and her family of her decision to leave the marriage. She
quit the stifling jobs and began teaching at a liberal school that's more in alignment
with her life values. Free from a marriage that was draining her, she has recovered
the energy to fuel her creative passion and now has successful classes, workshops,
and summer music camps for kids, and is composing beautiful music. Are
you ready to create your own success story? If
so, here's how I can help .... personal
life coaching - Life Purpose coaching, personal life coaching,
spiritual coaching, NLP coaching, and coaching with the Tarot- workshops,
classes, and teleseminars - personal discovery and development, spiritual,
and life betterment
- vibrational
- Interdimensional 12 strand DNA activation, Reiki-Seichim, and vibrational healing
with the DNA
- The Journal of Spirited Coaching is sent twice monthly (on or about the 1st
and the 15th) with inspirational, motivational, and just plain fun articles. You'll
also be the first on your block to hear about new products, classes, workshops,
special events, and other offerings.
Kathy Wilson....
Life Purpose Coach, spiritual
teacher, Reiki master, vibrational healer, and author. Contact
me to begin getting your life unstuck and moving toward the life of your destiny.
Life Coaching sessions are strictly confidential. I protect my client's privacy
by not revealing their identity (with the exception of the testimonials they give
me with their permission).  
Coaching for Life! | Vibrational
Healing | Spiritual Stuff |
About Kathy |

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When you sign up you'll get my ebook, Overcoming F-F-Fear
Read past
issues in the dusty, crusty archives HERE.
| "What
I got out of it (coaching with Kathy) was Me. More accurately, more and more of
me as we went along. I had spent a great deal of my life trying to be someone
I am not, and I was afraid that coaching would call on me to try again. But instead
it called on me - and enabled me - to be more and more myself. The more I did
that, that more success I had." Richard
Brownkatz LMT "Coaching
with Kathy was an amazing experience. Her questions were so powerful that they
have resulted in permanent change - not of WHO I am, but of what depths of my
essence are revealed and set free to LIVE! Thank you, Kathy!" Kathleen
McCarthy PhD, CPC |