Spiritual Life Purpose Coach
Kathy Wilson, CPC



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Life Purpose Coaching

So... you're searching for something and you don't know what it is. You just know that your life is stuck.

You may be feeling...

  • boredom
  • stagnation
  • dissatisfaction
  • stifled
  • blocked
  • frustration
  • lackluster
  • uninspired
  • general gritchiness

You may be thinking that there has to be more to life. And there is.

As I work with my clients, what I find during our coaching sessions is that the thing they're truly missing is a sense of Purpose for their life. When you're not living your Life Purpose you'll feel uncomfortable nudges such as those listed above. These nudges are messages from your soul that it's time for you to get you back on your path and live your Life Purpose.

You already know what your Life Purpose is.

You were birthed onto this planet with a Life Purpose - to fulfill your Soul Contract. Before you were birthed, you created a Soul Contract in which you chose the healing work you wished to do this lifetime. The healing work you chose can take many forms, such as working with plants, music, color, animals, and people.

As you grew and developed, your Life Purpose was covered with layers of messages piled on you by parents, teachers, family members, friends, bosses, and others about what you "should" do and who you "should" be. Although these messages may have directed you to doing work that is honorable and of service to others, if you're not experiencing complete joy and satisfaction when you do it, it's not your Life Purpose.

Knowing that you would not remember your Soul Contract after you were birthed, you set up clues for yourself to guide you back to your Life Purpose. Life Purpose Coaching is about you finding these clues that guide you to the treasure of your Life Purpose. And it's about helping you to find the ways to live your Life Purpose now.

When you live your Life Purpose, you feel an inner sense of satisfaction about your work - and your life - that is soul deep.

YOU CAN live your Life Purpose.

If you're ready to begin living your life On Purpose and feel that inner sense of satisfaction that's soul deep, contact me.

Are you wondering if you're ready for Life Purpose Coaching? Find out here.

If a ship's captain changes course by just one degree, the results won't be obvious in a day, or possibly even in a week. At the end of the journey, the ship will end up in an entirely different destination.

If you change your course by just one degree,
where will you end up?




Kathy Wilson, CPC, GRI
Email: KWilson@Warrior-Priestess.com

All material on this website ©2023

If you see something you would like to use, please ask. More than likely I'd be happy to share it, and I would like you to honor my work by allowing me to give it to you.
