Spiritual Life Purpose Coach
Kathy Wilson, CPC



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Coaching Article: Are You Ready for Life Purpose Coaching?

When you begin life coaching there are new challenges to take on, choices to make, and truths to face. Not everyone is ready for Life Purpose Coaching. During coaching you will be moving out of your comfort zone, which can be disconcerting at times. Although uncomfortable at times, the rewards of inner strength and self growth you'll gain from life coaching are so worth it.

However, not everyone is ready to do the work.

Find out if you're ready for Life Purpose Coaching. Ask yourself... "Am I:

  • willing to take responsibility for my life?
  • open to new ways of thinking?
  • courageous enough to face my inner truth?
  • completely willing to using my imagination as I participate in enlightening exercises such as guided visualizations?
  • have the courage to question the validity of old beliefs that are not serving me and to change them?
  • finished with a life that feels empty?
  • willing to be completely honest with myself and with my coach?
  • ready to take responsibility for my choices and my life?
  • willing to do the work?
  • ready to step into action
  • willing to accept the outcome for my action with no blame?

Life Purpose Coaching isn't for wimps.

If you answered YES to these questions, then you're ready for Life Purpose Coaching.

All life coaches have different specialties, strengths, and techniques that may not work for you. Not every life coach is a perfect match for every client. Much of the coaching I do is intuitive and spiritually guided. Spiritual Life Purpose Coaching is for you if you are open to new ways of thinking and are ready, willing, and able to do the work and claim your true purpose this lifetime.

Copyright 2004 Under One Roof


An Inner Journey:
The workshop of YOUR life!

Take An Inner Journey

and begin to live YOUR life purpose!





Kathy Wilson, CPC, GRI
680 Rainier Lane, Port Ludlow, WA 98365
Phone: 360.437.9328

Email: KWilson@Warrior-Priestess.com

All material on this website ©2009

If you see something you would like to use, please ask. More than likely I'd be happy to share it, and I would like you to honor my work by allowing me to give it to you.
