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stuff visit my other website: www.warrior-priestess.com
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The Journal of Spirited Coaching Be
gentle with the earth. Dalai

for the Earth It
is no longer an option to live blithely on this planet with no care as to what
you are doing to it. Pollution in it's many forms has grown to critical proportions
and if we don't stop the way we've been treating this planet, we will no longer
have the honor of living on it. Here
are some simple things that you can do in your own personal environment to help
clean up the earth: - Don't
use pesticides, herbicides (Round-up, etc.), or chemical fertilizers in your yard
and gardens. Mulch your garden waste and use that to fertilize.
- Recycle
paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, and whatever else your local recyclers will
- Buy
recycled products and support the whole re-cycle.
- Buy
organic foods. They are grown without pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers.
By purchasing organic food you won't be supporting one of our most dangerous industries
- the chemical companies.
- Don't
burn trash, brush, campfires, woodstoves,or anything else that isn't absolutely
necessary. Soot from burning has caused more damage to our atmosphere than carbon
monoxide from cars and trucks. Read about it here
- Combine
trips to take care of errands and shopping to limit driving and save gas.
- Limit
your family size by practising birth control. We no longer have the luxury of
having large families. Every time another child is born it adds to the already
overburdened resources of this planet. We are living longer now which means that
we are not leaving to make space for the newborn on this planet.
Here are some links to websites that will help you help our Earth. Save
the Rainforest Just by clicking on this link you save a part of the
rainforest. Bookmark it and visit the site every day!
News Service Lycos sponsors this news service and you can subscribe
to the newsletter for free. Find out what's going on in the world that will affect
your health and the health of the planet you live on. Greenpeace
No explanation is needed for Greenpeace! Solutions
for kids An environmental website for kids with games to make taking
care of the earth more fun for them. It explains in kid-talk what's going on with
the earth environmentally. Family
Planet A great website that educates, informs, and offers solutions
to the ever growing problem of over population of our planet by humans.
Industries Association
website for places to recycle your used electronics. If
you know of any more websites that belong here, email me at kwilson@under-one-roof.net